Good Enough?

I did some curacy training recently at which we were asked to ponder some big questions. One of those big questions was, "Do you feel good enough?" This is an issue I have long pondered over many years. I kind of know what the answer should be but God seems to take me on a different journey each time I ask myself the question. This time, the journey took me along all kinds of paths, meandering around personal and ministry stuff, all bathed in the shadow of the news and the coverage of how women are treated and what, if anything, we can do about it. And, as I meandered alongside this big question, a phrase met me: "Stop trying to be a good girl and be God's girl." This sounds obvious but to someone like me who has always tried to be "good", it's actually something of a revelation. There is a difference. So I wrote another poem to try and articulate this..... Good Enough Be a good girl. Don’t make a fuss. Be a good girl. Stay sma...