Dealing with Baggage
Please meet my trusty companion of several years: my teaching suitcase. As someone who was well-trained by the girl guides, I like to be prepared. A lot of my pupils didn't seem to live by the same motto, so I have built up a store of music over the years. If a pupil had sung it, I would carry a copy. Even if they had forgotten everything, I would always have their music so we could still practise, without me having to carry all my music books with me. Other singing teachers cope perfectly well without this ridiculous habit but I got used to it and it worked, even with up to 50 pupils across 3 schools. Apart from the practical problem it raised.... My case also held my admin folder, a folder of spare copies to give to pupils, some books for aural and sight-singing practice, a pencil case, notebooks for each school so I could keep track of pupils' progress and, to top it off, a large speaker and iPod dock. This meant it was a seriously heavy thing to tote...